Our Class on Social Media

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Our Inventor, Dr. Martin Cooper

This year each class studied a scientist who either influenced the world of technology or an area of science.   My class researched Dr. Martin Cooper, the inventor of the first cell phone.  We developed this video to present our finding about Dr. Cooper:

Dr. Martin Cooper, Final Presentation for Career Day from K Tripp on Vimeo


  1. I am soooo proud of my student teacher and all my students for their wonderful acting in the re-inactment scene! What creativity each of you showed, and I know many people have laughed and enjoyed your performance! Great job class :)

  2. I lopve this, video espacically, the reinactment. I was Dr. Martin Cooper! MUAHAHA! :) I like how they whole class aslo got to talk about Cooper, through radio, and video!

  3. Thank you Miss Tripp. I really enjoy the scene too! I thought it was funny because the boys were acting they were so cool. Another reason was that Taylor quit when Te'Aundre was still crying,but the most funny part was me fainting.


  4. MItzi, your fainting was one of my favorite parts :) Te'Aundre was pretty funny when he was crying/laughing, too. I also loved when Te'Aundre says, "Noooooooo" in his office! All of you did such a wonderful job!!!!

    PS. John, you made a super Dr. Cooper :)
