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Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans' Day 2011

Our Local Hero and Vietnam Veteran!
Thank you Kain for sharing your grandfather, Master Sergeant Payne.  He served for 30 years in the army starting in Vietnam and then retiring many years later in 1999.  The flag shown above is a homemade Vietnam flag he found in a cave while pursuing enemy soldiers; he has now carefully kept this flag for over 40 years. We honor Mr. Payne for his bravery, dedication, and service to our country. Thank you for serving to provide our freedom today!!!

Mr. Payne also brought us medals, small soldiers replicas, and challenged us with and excellent lesson about the following three words: task, conditions, standards.  We learned about his experiences through these three words, and he challenged us about our task at school, accomplishing it no matter what the conditions so that we can then achieve the set standard.  What an amazing parallel between Mr. Payne's and experiences and what we are trying to accomplish each day in Miss Tripp's class.

Task: (our class motto) "We are here to listen, following instructions, and motivate ourselves to learn."

Conditions: Sometimes we may be tired, frustrated, confused, upset, excited, nervous, distracted, and a whole myriad of emotions events we have to work under.

Standard: Give our very best to learn what a 4th grade student should know and go above and beyond this if possible.

Freedom isn't free, so take a minute or two each time you see a veteran to thank them for their service to not only our country but specifically for you!

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