Our Class on Social Media

Friday, February 24, 2012

Congratulations to our February Terrific Kid!

Here are many reasons why Elizabeth was chosen by her classmates 
to represent our class as Terrific Kid, because she:
  • pays attention in class so she can learn and do things right!
  •  is sweet, kind, generous, but most of all, a great friend!
  • helps others when they need help or need something
  • is smart, funny, and ready to learn
  • is intelligent and sweet
  • follows instructions
  • she is always helping others
  • she is sweet, nice, respectful and responsible to others!


  1. Hi, My name is Alan and I'm from South Korea. I go to Chadwick International and our class have 15 students. We are fourth grade, 4C.We have new student called Jessica.I had a connection of it...
    You could come to our teacher's blog and have many comments. Our teacher's blog name is on Susan's comment. (http://msphillipsonline.posterous.com)

    1. Alan, it was great to hear from you on our blog! We would love to learn more about your school and class! Are you on Twitter or what is the best way to contact you? Our class Twitter account is MissTrippsClass. I teach 2 classes of 4th grade Math and Science at a small rural school. We love using technology and learning from other schools all over the world!
      We look forward to hearing from you!

      Miss Tripp's 4th Grade Class
